About Us
Mike in Kenya
UnmissableTOKYO.com and UnmissableJAPAN.com have been online since June, 2010, and are continuously being updated and expanded with new content. Both sites were written by Mike, based on his own first-hand experiences of life in Japan.
Mike’s home is in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, but he’s an experienced world traveller, his career having taken him to four different continents. He lived in Japan for two years where he conducted research into language acquisition and evolution at the University of Tokyo. Prior to that he spent spells in Sydney, Edinburgh, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and Vancouver.
He’s always keen to get feedback, and suggestions for new articles, so feel free to email him (in either English or Japanese): You can also find Mike on the web here.
If you like the Flying Words effect on the front page, take a look at the Flying Words Maker.
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